p: &eborsa &8&l»
{dolar.%player%} = 0
{euro.%player%} = 0
{para.%player%} = 0
command /borsa [<text>]:
if arg 1 isn't set:
open virtual chest with size 3 named "&cBorsa &8&l»" to player
wait 1 tick
make gui slot 9 of player with iron ingot named "&cBorsa" with lore "&7&m-------||&a/borsa bilgi||&7&m-------" to nothing
make gui slot 12 of player with diamond named "&cEuro Yatır" with lore "&7&m-------||&aEuro : %{_europ}%||&7&m-------" to close then run player command "borsa euroyatır"
make gui slot 14 of player with diamond named "&cDolar Yatır" with lore "&7&m-------||&aDolar : %{_dolarp}%||&7&m-------" to close then run player command "borsa euroyatır"
make gui slot 17 of player with diamond named "&cParanı Çek" to close then run player command "borsa çek"
if arg 1 is "bilgi":
send "&7&m------------------"
send "&aBu borsa sistemi"
send "&agerçekten basittir."
send "&aDolar ve Euro kurucular"
send "&atarafından arada yenilenir"
send "&aYa kârlı, ya da zararlı!"
send "&a/borsa hesap : Hesabına bak!"
send "&7&m------------------"
if arg 1 is "hesap"
send "&7&m-----------------------------------"
send "&7Hesabınızda &e%{dolar.%player%}% &7Dolar bulunmaktadır" to player
send "&7Hesabınızda &e%{euro.%player%}% &7Euro bulunmaktadır" to player
send "&7Hesabınızda &e%player's money% &7TL bulunmaktadır" to player
send "&7&m-----------------------------------"
if arg 1 is "dolaryatır":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {_dolarp}:
remove {_dolarp} from player's money
send "{@p} &74000 TL = 1000 Dolar'a çevirildi!" to player
add 1000 to {dolar.%player%}
send "{@p} &7Yeterli paranız bulunmamakta."
if arg 1 is "euroyatır":
if player's money is greater than or equal to {_europ}:
remove {_europ} from player's money
send "{@p} &75000 TL = 1 Euro'ya çevirildi!" to player
add 1000 to {euro.%player%}
if arg 1 is "dolarayarla":
if player has the permission "borsa.op":
set {_dolarp} to random integer between 4000 and 5000
send "{@p} &7Dolar %{_dolarp}% olarak belirlendi!"
if arg 1 is "euroayarla":
if player has the permission "borsa.op":
set {_europ} to random integer between 5000 and 6000
send "{@p} &7Euro %{_europ}% olarak belirlendi!"
send "{@p} &7Yetkiniz yok"
if arg 1 is "çek"
set {para.%player%} to {dolar.%player%} * {_dolarp}
set {para.%player%} to {euro.%player%} * {_europ}
add {para.%player%} to player's money
send "{@p} &7Paraların çevirildi" to player